This book explores best practices on tankers carrying chemical and similar hazardous products, and provides a good introduction to safe tanker practice, terminology and standards. This guide is aimed as basic safety information for seafarers of all ranks and positions.
This publication provides ships’ officers, tanker terminal personnel and selected management staff ashore an understanding of the principles involved in the safe loading, transportation and discharging of liquefied gases. The revised edition includes both theoretical and practical aspects of ship operations, with the objectives of ensuring efficient tanker operations and the safety and health of personnel throughout all stages of the voyage and while alongside in the terminal.
This publication explores best practices on tankers carrying crude oil and petroleum products and provides a good introduction to safe tanker operations and standards. Suitable for seafarers who may be rejoining a tanker after leave, or for a person with little or no experience on tankers, this title contains basic safety information for seafarers of all ranks and positions.
This book has been written to provide the Master of an offshore support vessel with essential knowledge and techniques that can be applied when connecting the tug to a vessel in peril or for salvage towing services.
This publication provides guidance on proper and consistent completion of the Oil Record Book (Part II – Cargo/Ballast Operations) for oil tankers, as stipulated by Regulation 36 and Appendix III of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. It sets out instructions and general requirements for making entries in the ORB Part II and lists the items that must be recorded. It also contains example entries for commonly used cargo/ballast operations.