Macmillan (Bloomsbury)
Distributor of Bloomsbury and Palgrave.
Bloomsbury is a publisher of the populer Reeds searies.
Reeds Vol 13: Ship Stability, Powering and Resistance, 2nd Edition
It maps the syllabus content of the relevant Certificate of Competency (CoC) for Marine Engineering and Deck Officers, following the STCW Code, including the 2010 Manila Amendments, laid down by the IMO.
Skipper Tips for Every Day
365 ways to get the most from your sailing
Reeds 9-Language Handbook
The pocket dictionary for all sailors
Seamanship 2.0
Everything you need to know to get yourself out of trouble at sea. Authors want to inspire small boatowners to improve their seamanship so they are able to help themselves in an emergency.
The Canal Guide: Britain's 55 Best Canals
This attractive guidebook shows off just how rich our waterways heritage is.
The Devil and the Dark Water
Nautilus Telegraph's Book of the Month for May 2021.
A Knot a Day
This beautifully produced compendium gives you a knot challenge for every day of the year. With hundreds to choose from, all colour coded by use, you can work through the book from start to finish, gradually building on your knowledge as you go, or alternatively dipping in and out for your daily knotting fix.
Nelson's Navy
The ideal guide to Nelson's navy for those with an interest in the workings of a great fleet.
The Weather Handbook, 4th Edition
The Essential Guide to How Weather is Formed and Develops
Reeds Vol 16: Electrical Power Systems for Marine Engineers
Within the marine and offshore industry, there is a clear and growing need for increased training and education on the use of electrical power systems. The number of electrical plant and appliances now in service has grown at an alarming rate in recent years, as has the amount of electrical power generated and utilised on board.
Instant Weather Forecasting, 5th Edition
A quick guide on how to predict the weather from cloud formations.
What Now Skipper?
£7.19 £8.99
Test Your Navigation and Seamanship Skills and Learn from Expert Answers