Law, Insurance & Economics
A collection of books regarding the various laws, insurance details and economics you might face as a seafarer.
BIMCO's Holiday Calendar 2025
The Holiday Calendar 2025 lists the general holidays for each country, as well as the operating hours of the country's main ports and terminals. This new edition has been revised to offer even better coverage, reliability and transparency.
Cartner on the International Law of the Shipmaster
Cartner on the International Law of the Shipmaster: On The New Command at Sea
The Law of Ship Mortgages, 3rd Edition
Thought to be the most comprehensive guide to English law relating to ship mortgages, the second edition of The Law of Ship Mortgages has been highly anticipated. This fully-updated and complete explanation provides practitioners with a practical, commercially-based, and definitive guide to the English law of ship mortgages as well as important related areas such as conflict of laws and insolvency.
Being Human in Safety-Critical Organisations
Through a reanalysis of real events, this book integrates recent thinking from psychology, resilience engineering, complexity theory and cybernetics.
Offshore Heavylift and Project Cargo Contracts
This guide is a valuable reference tool for anyone working in the offshore service sector looking for insight and guidance on BIMCO’s wide range of offshore contracts and charter parties.
Green Shipping Contracts
A Contract Governance Approach to Achieving Decarbonisation in the Shipping Sector