Flip Cards
These flip cards are perfect for cadets and seafarers alike who might be studying for a qualification or who want a quick and easy way to brush up on the important information.
Each pack is small enough to fit in a pocket or bag so that you can always keep them with you. They come in a clear PVC wallet to protect them.
Officer Of The Watch (OOW) Training Flip Cards
These cards have been developed to help candidates establish a solid foundation of knowledge for the MCA OOW oral exam,
<3,000 GT Yacht.
Sound and Light Signals - Flip Cards
This pack of Flip Cards illustrates the signals made by ships at sea, and covers lights, fog signals and the usual distress and search and rescue signals.
Rule of the Road - Flip Cards
These cards show the view forward from the deck of various vessels (power, sailing and fishing) of developing traffic situations at sea.
Morse Code - Flip Cards
36 cards showing the Morse symbol, both letters and numerals, with the back of the card giving the meaning.
Meteorology - Flip Cards
This pack covers Meteorology in UK waters with particular relevance to the RYA courses.
Marine Radio - Flip Cards
A new set of Flip Cards covering the recent (and developing) GMDSS systems which are becoming universal. The cards show equipment and procedures for HF, VHF and MF, including Digital Selective Calling.
Lights and Shapes - Flip Cards
An extremely useful set of cards which makes a difficult subject much easier.
International Code Flags - Flip Cards
Each card shows a flag of the International Code in colour on the face, with the signal letter or number and the meaning of the signal flag on the reverse.
IALA Buoyage - Area B - Flip Cards
All mariners need a comprehensive knowledge of the buoyage rules and should be able instantly to identify a mark at first sight.
IALA Buoyage - Area A - Flip Cards
All mariners need a comprehensive knowledge of the buoyage rules and should be able instantly to identify a mark at first sight.
CEVNI Signs and Lights - Flip Cards
These Flip Cards, printed in colour, are designed to help learn the signs, symbols and lights displayed, which form a major part of CEVNI regulations.