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Ballast Water Record Book - 6th Edition

New 6th Edition is now available

Underwater Radiated Noise Guide

The hardcopy is coming in end of November. E-book is available on Witherby Connect. This ICS/BIMCO guide enables shipping companies to align with the IMO's 2023 underwater radiated noise guidelines and help preserve marine life.

Ballast Water Management,15th Ed. 2024

Ballast Water Management, 15th Edition - Understanding the regulations, treatment technologies and practical information

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2nd Edition

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide to International Regulatory Compliance

Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning, 2nd Edition

This publication identifies ship structures that are vulnerable to biofouling, factors affecting the rate of build-up and the effect of biofouling on performance and operating costs.

US Ballast Water Management Regulations

This publication provides a comprehensive overview of US ballast water management regulations, including federal to state level requirements, the development of future US legislation and ballast water exchange and treatment. It provides detailed information on the ballast water management systems (BWMS) that are type-approved by the US Coast Guard (USCG) for ballasting operations in US waters.

Shipping and the Environment: A Guide to Environmental Compliance, 5th Edition

Shipping and the Environment: A Guide to Environmental Compliance, 5th Edition. This guide will help crew members understand the relationship between shipping and the environment, and the importance for everyone involved in shipping to respect the environment in their daily operations.

MCA Ballast Water Record Book - 2017

The Ballast Water Record Book is to be used on board all vessels to record intake and discharge of ballast water.

MCA Marine Fuel Sulphur Record Book

Essential for all vessels who wish to enter an Emission Control Area, at berth in a United Kingdom port, a UK passenger ship operating in UK waters, controlled waters, and any other passenger ship which calls at a port in the UK.

Marine Pollution Control

Legal and Managerial Frameworks, 1st Edition - Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides

Protectionism in Maritime Economies Study: Full Report

eBook only

INTERTANKO - A Guide for Correct Entries in the ORB Part II - Cargo/Ballast Operations 2nd Edition

This publication provides guidance on proper and consistent completion of the Oil Record Book (Part II – Cargo/Ballast Operations) for oil tankers, as stipulated by Regulation 36 and Appendix III of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. It sets out instructions and general requirements for making entries in the ORB Part II and lists the items that must be recorded. It also contains example entries for commonly used cargo/ballast operations.


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