Nautical Publishers, Printers and Ship Stationers since 1832. Publishing Brown's Nautical Almanac since 1876. It is published annually, and is commonly known as 'The Sailor's Bible'.
A 96 page logbook for recording compass and gyro errors. It includes variation charts, as well as full colour sky at night views of the main constellations, with navigable stars highlighted.
It is clearly written and arranged in a logical sequence of operational procedures and does not pre-suppose a deep technical knowledge on the part of the reader.
Meteorology for Seafarers is a technical book which aims to explain the complexities of the atmosphere and provide the information needed for professional seafarers aspiring to first class certificates of competency.
“A seaman always knows his latitude” is an ancient proverb which emphasises the importance attached to knowledge of the ship's latitude. Hansen’s Ex-Meridian Tables, first published in 1919, have for over a century proven to be essential for mariners to calculate their position on Earth.
Brown’s Chief Engineer’s Logbook allows you to keep a daily record of the engine and auxiliary performance including running hours, temperatures and consumption. No. 132.