Products tagged with 'courses'
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This course is suitable for whether you are a cadet, a student of maritime studies or a mariner wanting to increase your maritime knowledge to further your career.
Navigation@Sea Plus
This course is designed as a more advanced complement to the Marine Society’s Navigation@Sea course and together they aim to take learners to the level required for the Maritime Skills Alliance MSQ Units 11 (Vessel Navigation and Tides) and 41 (Chartwork and Tides).
This course is suitable for anyone who does not have prior knowledge in this subject and it has been written in accordance with MSQ Unit 95 - Introduction to Navigation.
The aim of this course is to help learners meet the level of meteorological knowledge required when sitting their UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency oral exam at various levels.
Maths@Sea Plus
This course is aimed at seafarers looking to take the next step in developing their maths skills beyond foundation level. This Maths@Sea course can lead to the accredited Level Maritime Mathematics qualification with Open Awards which will cost £50 and included registration and certification.
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