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    EU Shipping Law

    This third edition has been completely revised to include developments in the competition/antitrust regime, new safety and environmental rules, and rules governing security and ports. It includes detailed commentary and analysis of almost every aspect of EU law as it affects shipping.
    ISBN: 9781843116332

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    Author: Vincent Power

    Published 21/01/2019

    A previous winner of the Comité Maritime International’s Albert Lilar Prize for the best shipping law book worldwide, EU Shipping Law is the foremost reference work for professionals in this area. This third edition has been completely revised to include developments in the competition/antitrust regime, new safety and environmental rules, and rules governing security and ports. It includes detailed commentary and analysis of almost every aspect of EU law as it affects shipping.


    1. Introduction

    2. A Commercial Overview of Shipping in the EU

    3. An Overview of the European Union and European Union Law

    4. An Overview of EU Transport Law

    5. The Historical Development of EU Shipping Law

    6. The EU Law relating to the Freedom of Establishment of Shipping Businesses and the Registration of Ships

    7. The EU Law relating to Freedom to Supply Services: International Services; Cabotage Services; and Shipping Services Generally

    8. The EU Law relating to Employment in the Shipping Sector

    9. Introduction to Liner Conferences: The Concept of Liner Conferences and the United Nations Code on Liner Conferences and the United Nations Liner Code

    10. An Overview of EU Competition Law Generally and how it applies to the Shipping Sector Generally

    11. EU Competition Law: The Old Regime relating to Shipping – Regulation 4056/86

    12. EU Competition Law: The New Regime relating to Shipping - Regulation 1419/2006

    13. EU Competition Law: Ports

    14. EU Competition Law: Consortia

    15. EU State Aid Law: Shipping and Ports

    16. EU Merger Control: Shipping; Ports and Shipbuilding

    17. Regulation 4057/86: Dumping of Shipping Services and the Unfair Pricing of Shipping Services

    18. Regulation 4058/86: Co-ordinated Action to safeguard Free Access to Cargoes in Ocean Trade

    19. EU Law relating to the Maritime Environment: Introduction; EU Measures relating to the Maritime Environment Generally; and Penalties for Infringements

    20. EU Law relating to the Maritime Environment: Oganotin

    21. EU Law relating to Maritime Environment: The Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea Convention

    22. EU Law relating to Shipbuilding

    23. EU Law relating to Ship Repair

    24. EU Law relating to Ship Dismantling and Recycling

    25. EU External Relations Law and Shipping

    26. Maritime Safety: Introduction and EU Measures relating to Maritime Safety Generally

    27. Maritime Safety: The European Maritime Safety Agency

    28. Maritime Safety: Port State Control

    29. Maritime Safety: Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations

    30. Maritime Safety: Casualty and Accident Investigation

    31. Maritime Safety: Minimum Training of Seafarers

    32. Maritime Safety: Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Improved Medical Treatment on Board Vessels

    33. Maritime Safety: International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention

    34. Maritime Safety: Ferries and Ro-Ro Vessels

    35. Maritime Safety: Organisation of Working Time of Seafarers

    36. Maritime Safety: Maritime Labour Convention 2006

    37. Maritime Safety: Marine Equipment

    38. Piracy

    39. Navigation

    40. Pilotage

    41. Short Sea Shipping

    42. Security: Ships and Ports

    43. Ports: Generally and the Port Services Regulation 2017/352

    44. Ports: Reporting Formalities for Ships in EU Ports: Directive 2010/65

    45. Ports: Electricity for Ships in Ports

    46. Carriage of Goods and Passengers

    47. EU Law and Shipping Litigation: The "Brussels I" Regulation

    48. Brexit

    49. Conclusions

    Author: Vincent Power

    Published 21/01/2019

    A previous winner of the Comité Maritime International’s Albert Lilar Prize for the best shipping law book worldwide, EU Shipping Law is the foremost reference work for professionals in this area. This third edition has been completely revised to include developments in the competition/antitrust regime, new safety and environmental rules, and rules governing security and ports. It includes detailed commentary and analysis of almost every aspect of EU law as it affects shipping.


    1. Introduction

    2. A Commercial Overview of Shipping in the EU

    3. An Overview of the European Union and European Union Law

    4. An Overview of EU Transport Law

    5. The Historical Development of EU Shipping Law

    6. The EU Law relating to the Freedom of Establishment of Shipping Businesses and the Registration of Ships

    7. The EU Law relating to Freedom to Supply Services: International Services; Cabotage Services; and Shipping Services Generally

    8. The EU Law relating to Employment in the Shipping Sector

    9. Introduction to Liner Conferences: The Concept of Liner Conferences and the United Nations Code on Liner Conferences and the United Nations Liner Code

    10. An Overview of EU Competition Law Generally and how it applies to the Shipping Sector Generally

    11. EU Competition Law: The Old Regime relating to Shipping – Regulation 4056/86

    12. EU Competition Law: The New Regime relating to Shipping - Regulation 1419/2006

    13. EU Competition Law: Ports

    14. EU Competition Law: Consortia

    15. EU State Aid Law: Shipping and Ports

    16. EU Merger Control: Shipping; Ports and Shipbuilding

    17. Regulation 4057/86: Dumping of Shipping Services and the Unfair Pricing of Shipping Services

    18. Regulation 4058/86: Co-ordinated Action to safeguard Free Access to Cargoes in Ocean Trade

    19. EU Law relating to the Maritime Environment: Introduction; EU Measures relating to the Maritime Environment Generally; and Penalties for Infringements

    20. EU Law relating to the Maritime Environment: Oganotin

    21. EU Law relating to Maritime Environment: The Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea Convention

    22. EU Law relating to Shipbuilding

    23. EU Law relating to Ship Repair

    24. EU Law relating to Ship Dismantling and Recycling

    25. EU External Relations Law and Shipping

    26. Maritime Safety: Introduction and EU Measures relating to Maritime Safety Generally

    27. Maritime Safety: The European Maritime Safety Agency

    28. Maritime Safety: Port State Control

    29. Maritime Safety: Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations

    30. Maritime Safety: Casualty and Accident Investigation

    31. Maritime Safety: Minimum Training of Seafarers

    32. Maritime Safety: Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Improved Medical Treatment on Board Vessels

    33. Maritime Safety: International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention

    34. Maritime Safety: Ferries and Ro-Ro Vessels

    35. Maritime Safety: Organisation of Working Time of Seafarers

    36. Maritime Safety: Maritime Labour Convention 2006

    37. Maritime Safety: Marine Equipment

    38. Piracy

    39. Navigation

    40. Pilotage

    41. Short Sea Shipping

    42. Security: Ships and Ports

    43. Ports: Generally and the Port Services Regulation 2017/352

    44. Ports: Reporting Formalities for Ships in EU Ports: Directive 2010/65

    45. Ports: Electricity for Ships in Ports

    46. Carriage of Goods and Passengers

    47. EU Law and Shipping Litigation: The "Brussels I" Regulation

    48. Brexit

    49. Conclusions

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