Independent Publishers
Books from independent publishers and self-published books.
- Coastal Shipping
- Fonthill Media
- Imray, Laurie, Norie and Wilson
- Lodestar
- Mainline and Maritime
- OneOcean
- Saron Publishers
- Troubador
- Unicorn Publishing
- Yale Publishing
The Struggle for Sea Power: The Royal Navy vs The Word, 1775-1782
**Book of the month for August 2018** Historian Dr Sam Willis describes the inherent challenges of conflict at sea in the 1700s, the evolution of tactics, and much more in this well researched book.
Going Bananas: My Trailing Career Volume 1
Did you know that the European Union is the largest consumer of bananas on the planet? Ever wondered where those bananas come from and how they get here? Or what their true price is?
The Shipwreck Hunter
A lifetime of extraordinary discoveries on the ocean floor. Expertise that helped find the Derbyshire.
International Maritime Dictionary Part 2
Volume two provides definitions and translations of maritime terms in French, German, Polish, Romanian and Croatian.
A Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road
A programmed text on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 with amendments in force from November 2003.