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Insuring Cargoes - A Practical Guide to the Law and Practice 2023, 2nd Edition

This is a comprehensive guide to underwriting and claims practices for insurance practitioners. It covers topics such as marine insurance and international trade, the basic principles of marine cargo insurance, cargo loss prevention, policy construction and insurable interest.
Manufacturer part number: IT105956
ISBN: 9781914992452

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Published: March 2023

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international trade and cargo insurance, before outlining the various requirements for insurable interests reflecting the fundamental indemnity principle of marine insurance and the legal prohibition against gaming and wagering. It also explains marine open cover and details insuring clauses alongside the inherent vice and delay exclusions from specific clauses. To give the reader an understanding of insurance contracts, contract certainty in policies is explained before discussing the cargo claims and the cargo recovery process.

The second edition has been expanded to address the many changes in marine insurance law since the release of the first edition. These developments include the ‘Cendor MOPU’, newer editions of Institute Cargo and Trade Clauses, developing case laws, the Insurance Act 2015 and Incoterms 2020, to mention a few. New chapters in the book also include delay and inherent vice exclusions, war and strikes, rejection risks, contract certainty in policies, non-Institute Clauses and recoveries. The insurable interest and contingency chapters have also been revised as the expected reforms in this regard have not been undertaken.

This book will be of great use to practitioners as a complement to more academic texts. It is commended to any reader interested in marine cargo insurance and is a useful tool for law firms, underwriters, adjusters and surveyors.

Table of Contents

About the Author7.6 Insuring Inherent Vice
Foreword to the 1st Edition7.7 Summary
Foreword to the 2nd Edition7.8 Delay
Preface to the 2nd Edition7.9 Pre-MIA 1906 Cases
Abbreviations7.9.1 Taylor v Dunbar (1869)
Case Law List7.9.2 Pink and Others v Fleming (1890)
1. Introduction to International Trade and Cargo Insurance7.10 Post-1906 Cases
1.1 Cargo Families7.10.1 Becker Gray & Co v London Assurance Corporation (the ‘Kattenturm’) (1918)
1.2 Dangerous Goods7.10.2 Leyland Shipping Co Ltd v Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd (1918)
1.3 Ships and their Classification7.10.3 Yorkshire Dale Steamship Co Ltd v Minister of War Transport (the ‘Coxwold’) (1942)
1.4 Flag of Convenience (FOC)7.11 The Delay Exclusion in ICC 1982/2009
1.5 Classification7.12 Scenarios
1.6 Chartered Ships7.13 FCA Test Case
1.7 Protection and Indemnity Clubs8. Insuring Terms 3 – Named Perils
1.8 The ISM Code8.1 Institute Cargo Clauses (B) and (C)
1.9 The ISPS Code8.2 (B) and (C) Causation Rules
1.10 Ship Selection8.3 (B) and (C) Perils: Subject to Reasonably Attributable to
1.11 The Container Revolution8.3.1 Fire or Explosion
1.12 Mechanism of Containerisation8.3.2 Stranded, Grounded, Sunk or Capsized
1.13 Verified Gross Mass (VGM)8.3.3 Overturning and Derailment of Land Conveyance
1.14 Impact on Marine Insurance8.3.4 Collision or Contact
1.15 Financing of International Trade8.3.5 Discharge of Cargo at a Port of Distress
1.16 Cargo Insurance and International Trade8.3.6 Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption or Lightning
1.17 Responsibility to Arrange Cargo Insurance8.4 (B) and (C) Perils: Subject to Caused by
1.18 Insurance8.4.1 General Average Sacrifice
1.19 Impediments to Trade8.4.2 Jettison or Washing Overboard
1.20 What is Marine Cargo Insurance?8.4.3 Entry of Water
1.21 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract8.4.4 Total Loss of Package
1.22 The Marine Cargo Policy8.5 General Average
1.23 Principles Governing Marine Cargo Insurance8.6 Exclusions
1.24 Utmost Good Faith8.7 Institute Theft, Pilferage and/or Non-Delivery CL.272, 01.12.82
1.25 Duty of Disclosure, S.188.8 Theft, Pilferage and/or Non-delivery (TPND) and Piracy
1.26 Voidable Nature of Contract, S.18(1)9. Insuring Terms 4 – Trade Clauses
1.27 Pre-Contractual Duty, S.18(1)9.1 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 1
1.28 Continuing Duty (Post Contractual)9.2 Perils
1.29 Materiality and Inducement, S.18(2)9.3 Leakage from Connecting Pipelines
1.30 Exceptions to the Duty of Disclosure, S.18(3)9.4 Underground Pipelines
1.31 Disclosure by Agent Effecting Insurance, S.199.5 Negligence during Pumping
1.32 Representations Pending Negotiation of Contract9.6 Contamination from Stress of Weather
1.33 Criticisms of the Law of Good Faith9.7 Exclusions
1.34 The Insurance Act 20159.8 Duration
1.35 Duty of Fair Representation9.9 Movements by Craft and Barge Tankers
1.36 Impact of the Insurance Act 20159.10 Delivery of Whole Consignment or Each Portion Thereof?
1.37 Proportional Remedies9.11 Adjustment Clause
1.38 Preparation Needed Under the IA 2015 Regime9.11.1 Explanation
1.39 Fraud and the Duty of Good Faith9.12 Readjustment of Claim
1.40 Indemnity9.13 Contamination Claims – Need for All Risks Cover
1.41 Agreed Value – A Detailed Discussion9.14 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 2
1.42 Insurable Interest9.15 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 3
1.43 Subrogation9.16 Exclusions
1.44 Contribution9.17 JCC Storage Extension Clauses for Bulk Oils
1.45 Common Liability Method9.18 Institute Coal Clauses: Clause No 393, 01.05.16
1.46 Independent Liability Method9.19 Heating and Spontaneous Combustion
1.47 Maximum Liability Method9.20 Duration
1.48 Warranties9.21 Craft Risks
1.49 Types of Warranties9.22 Barging Risks
1.50 Examples of Express Warranties in Cargo Insurance9.23 Institute Timber Trade Clause No 405, 01.05.16
1.51 The Literal Performance/Strict Compliance Rule under the MIA 19069.24 Piracy
1.52 The Position under the Insurance Act 20159.25 Exclusions
1.53 Burden of Proof9.26 Duration
1.54 Contracting Out10. Insuring Terms 5 – Cargoes Requiring a Controlled Environment
2. Insurable Interest 110.1 Types of Controlled Environment
2.1 Introduction10.2 Underwriting Considerations
2.2 Insurable Interest Defined10.3 Slow Steaming
2.3 Legal or Equitable Relationship10.4 Temperature Recording Devices
2.4 Prejudiced by Loss … Benefit by Safety10.4.1 Ryan Recorder (Analogue Temperature Recorder)
2.5 Supreme Court of Canada’s View on Macaura10.4.2 Data Loggers
2.6 Supreme Court of Canada’s View on Broadgrain Commodities10.4.3 TempTale® (and Other Digital Temperature Recorders)
2.7 Insurable Interests in Cargo10.4.4 Sensors/Probes
2.8 International Trade under Contracts of Sale10.4.5 Remote Sensing Systems
2.9 Risk v Title Dichotomy10.5 Institute/JCC Clauses for Frozen/Chilled Foods and Meat
2.10 Timing of Insurable Interest10.6 Changes in 2017 Edition
2.11 Lost or Not Lost10.7 Institute Clauses for Frozen Foods
2.12 Assignment of Policy and Interest10.8 Peril Clauses
2.13 Interplay of Various Sections of the MIA 190610.8.1 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (C), Clause No 431
2.14 Insurable Interest of a Buyer10.8.2 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (A), 24 Hours Breakdown, Clause No 423
2.15 Insurable Interest of the CIF Seller10.8.3 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (A), Clause No 430
2.16 Concluding Remarks10.9 Exclusions
3. Insurable Interest 2 – Contingency Covers10.9.1 Inherent Vice
3.1 Seller’s Interest10.9.2 Loss of Market
3.2 Reasons for Rejection of Documents/Goods10.9.3 Refrigerated, Insulated and Cooled
3.3 Key Features of Seller’s Interest Cover10.9.4 Embargo, Rejection, etc
3.4 Additional Clauses in Seller’s Interest10.10 Duration Clause
3.5 Contingency Cover for CIF/CIP Seller10.11 Frozen Food Extension Clause, No 422
3.6 Buyer’s Interest10.12 Frozen/Chilled Meat Extension Clauses, No 429
3.6.1 Stage of Transit10.13 War and Strikes – Institute Strikes Clauses (Frozen/Chilled Food), No 424
3.6.2 CIF Purchases10.14 Frozen/Chilled Meat
3.6.3 Tail-end Risks10.15 Perils
3.6.4 Difference in Conditions (DIC)/Difference in Limits (DIL) Extensions10.16 Exclusions
3.7 Achieving Seamless Covers Irrespective of Terms of Sale10.17 Duration
3.8 Guarantee of Collectability10.18 The Adjustment Clause
4. Marine Open Cover10.19 War and Strikes – Institute Strikes Clauses (Frozen/Chilled Meat), No 428
4.1 What is an Open Cover?11. Insuring Terms 6 – Non-Institute Clauses
4.2 Advantages11.1 Introduction
4.3 Assured11.2 Accumulation
4.4 Period11.3 Airfreight Replacement (Expediting Expenses)
4.5 Cancellation Clause11.4 Apportionment of Recoveries
4.6 Interest Insured11.5 Arrest
4.7 Treatment of Packing Materials11.6 Art and Antiques (Depreciation)
4.8 Conveyances11.7 Assured
4.9 Use of Own Vehicles11.8 Bagged Cargo Clause
4.10 Voyage/Geographical Limits11.9 Brand, Label and Trademark Protection
4.11 Basis of Valuation11.9.1 Labels Clause
4.12 Limits of Liability11.9.2 Brands and Trademark Clause
4.13 Per Bottom Limit11.10 Control of Damaged Goods
4.14 Location Limit11.11 Claused Bill of Lading
4.15 Meaning of Location11.12 Commingling
4.16 Accumulation at Ports of Loading and Discharge11.13 Concealed Damage (Delayed Discovery of Loss)
4.17 Location Limit and Overseas Buyers11.14 Containers
4.18 Limits and Co-Assureds11.14.1 Container Fitness
4.19 Limits of Liability and Condition of Average11.14.2 Container Demurrage
4.20 Limit Per Location and Freight Forwarders11.14.3 Container Handover
4.21 Accumulation Clause11.14.4 Container Seals
4.22 Terms of Cover11.15 Contingency
4.23 Declaration (Bordereau)11.15.1 Incoterms® Rules Override Clause
4.24 Late Declaration or Omission to Declare11.15.2 Cover for Fob (or Similar Purchases)
4.25 Certificate of Insurance11.15.3 Seller’s Interest Cover
4.26 Hold Harmless Clause11.15.4 Buyer’s Interest Cover
4.27 Web-based Certificate Generation (E-Marine)11.16 Continuation Clause
4.28 Certificate Versus Open Cover Terms11.17 Country Damage
4.29 Nature of Open Cover Contract ‘for’ or Contract ‘of ’ Insurance11.18 Cutting Clause
4.30 Certificate Issued for Individual Export Voyage11.19 Debris Removal
4.31 Words of Incorporation in the Certificate11.20 Deck Cargo
4.32 Certificate Mentioning the Open Cover Number11.21 Deductible Clause
4.33 Certificate Mentioning ‘All Other Terms as Per Open Cover’11.22 Duty/Customs Duty and Taxes
4.34 Certificate Mentioning Entities ‘for Whom the Assured has Instruction to Insure’11.23 Exchange Rate (Currency Conversion)
4.35 Rights of an Unpaid Seller11.24 Export Subsidies and Similar
4.36 Conclusion11.25 Fraudulent Bill of Lading
4.37 Annual Sales Turnover Policies11.26 Full General Average
4.38 Annual Sales Turnover Policies – A Critique11.27 Fumigation
4.39 Cargo (Stock) Throughput Policies11.28 Governmental Damage
4.40 Advantages of Stock Throughput Policies11.28.1 Customs Clause
4.41 Illustrations of a Stock Throughput Policy11.28.2 Deliberate Damage – Pollution Hazard
4.42 Challenges in Administering Stock Throughput Covers11.29 Jurisdiction
4.43 Process Clause in Stock Throughput Covers11.30 Letter of Credit
4.44 Standard Exclusions in a Stock Throughput Policy11.31 Loading and Unloading
5. Insuring Terms 1 – Institute Classification Clause11.32 Location
5.1 Main Provisions11.33 Mechanical and Electrical Derangement (MEED)
5.2 Age Limitation11.33.1 Usage
5.3 Non-qualifying Vessels11.33.2 Meaning
5.4 Summary11.33.3 Damage Detection Devices – Shock and Tilt Monitors
5.5 Transhipping Vessels11.34 Packing
5.6 Craft11.35 Pair and Set
5.7 Classification Clause11.36 Pipeline Clause
5.8 SOLAS 197411.37 Peak Value/Automatic Increased Value
5.9 The International Safety Management (ISM) Code11.38 Process
5.9.1 ISM Code and Marine Insurance11.39 Reissue
5.10 ISM Forwarding Charges11.40 Returned Goods
5.10.1 Compliance with the ISM Code11.41 Salvage Loss
5.11 Summary and Concluding Remarks11.42 Shut-out Shipment
5.12 ISM and Classification11.43 Sight Draft Extension
5.13 The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code11.44 Sorting/Segregation
5.13.1 ISPS Endorsements11.45 Trade Loss
5.13.2 ISPS – Implications for Cargo Assureds11.46 Travel and Accommodation
6. Insuring Terms 2 – Institute Cargo Clauses (A), CL.382, 01.01.0911.47 Waiver of Subrogation
6.1 Background to Changes12. Insuring Terms 7 – War and Related Perils
6.2 General Changes12.1 Institute War Clauses (Cargo) CL.385, 01.01.09
6.3 Major Changes12.2 Perils
6.4 Perils Clause12.2.1 War
6.4.1 All Risks12.2.2 Civil War
6.4.2 General Average12.2.3 Revolution, Rebellion and Insurrection
6.4.3 Both to Blame Collision Claus12.2.4 Civil Strife
6.5 Exclusions12.2.5 Hostile Act by or against a Belligerent Power
6.5.1 Wilful Misconduct12.2.6 Capture
6.5.2 Ordinary Losses12.2.7 Seizure
6.5.3 Poor Packaging12.2.8 Arrest
6.5.4 Inherent Vice12.2.9 Restraint
6.5.5 Delay12.2.10 Detainment
6.5.6 Insolvency12.2.11 “… and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat”
6.5.7 Nuclear or Radioactive Devices12.2.12 Derelict Mines etc
6.5.8 Unseaworthiness12.3 Exclusions
6.5.9 Hostile Acts12.3.1 The Frustration Clause
6.5.10 Strikes12.3.2 Hostile Use of Weapons or Devices
6.6 Duration of Cover – 112.4 Waterborne Agreement
6.6.1 Background to Duration Clause, 2009 Edition12.4.1 Duration
6.7 The Duration Clause in ICC 200912.4.2 Reattachment Provision (‘Held Covered’)
6.7.1 Attachment12.4.3 Craft
6.7.2 Ordinary Course of Transit12.5 Institute Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion (SRCC) CL 386, 01.01.09
6.7.3 Termination12.5.1 Strike
6.8 Duration Clause Scenarios12.5.2 Locked-out Workmen
6.8.1 Attachment of Cover Scenarios12.5.3 Labour Disturbances
6.8.2 Continuation Scenario12.5.4 Riot
6.8.3 Termination Scenarios12.5.5 Civil Commotion
6.9 Other Markets12.6 Terrorism
6.10 Duration of Cover – 212.7 General Average (GA)
6.10.1 Additional Premium under Clause 912.8 Exclusions
6.10.2 Can the Insurer Deny Extension of Cover Upon Receiving Notice under Clause 9?12.8.1 Exclusion 3.7
6.11 Change of Voyage12.8.2 Exclusion 3.8
6.11.1 Clause 10.2 – the Phantom Ship12.8.3 Exclusion 3.10
6.12 Claims12.9 Cancellation Clause in Open Covers
6.13 Forwarding Charges12.10 Institute Malicious Damage Clause, CL.266, 01.08.82
6.13.1 Clause 12 – a ‘Supplementary Contract’?12.11 Institute Radioactive Contamination (RACE) Clause
6.14 Constructive Total Loss12.11.1 Extended Race Clause, No 356A/01.11.02
6.15 Increased Value12.11.2 Dirty Bombs
6.16 Benefit of Insurance12.11.3 Further Amendment Clause, No 370/10.11.03
6.17 Minimising Losses12.11.4 Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism) 2009, JC2009/056, 01.01.09
6.18 Waiver12.12 Cyber Attack
6.19 Avoidance of Delay13. Rejection Risks
6.20 Law and Practice13.1 Origin of Rejection Risks Covers
6.21 Note13.2 Concurrent Causation – Applicability to Exclusion 6.2/6.4
6.22 Premium to be Arranged – is there an Upper Limit?13.3 Need for Rejection Risks
7. Inherent Vice and Delay Exclusions13.4 Rejection Risks Insurance
7.1 Inherent Vice13.5 Analysis of London May 1975 Rejection Clause
7.2 Meaning of Inherent Vice13.6 Duration
7.3 Examples of Inherent Vice13.6.1 Attachment
7.4 Mechanism of Condensation13.6.2 Termination
7.5 Leading Case Law on Inherent Vice13.7 Rejection Covers in other Major Markets
7.5.1 E D Sassoon & Co Ltd v Yorkshire Insurance Co (1923)13.8 Underwriting Factors
7.5.2 C T Bowring & Co Ltd v Amsterdam London Insurance Co Ltd (1930)13.9 Warranties
7.5.3 Soya GmbH Mainz Kommanditgesellschaft v White (1983)14. Contract Certainty in Policies
7.5.4 Noten BV v Harding (1990)14.1 Introduction
7.5.5 Mayban General Insurance BHD v Alstom Power Plants Ltd (2004)14.2 Ambiguities
7.5.6 Nelson Marketing International Inc v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Co of14.3 Contra Proferentem Rule
Canada (2005)14.4 Ambiguities and Gaps in Coverage – Why they Arise
7.5.7 Feuiltault Solution Systems Inc v Zurich Canada (2021)14.4.1 The Mining Industry
7.5.8 Global PROCESS Systems Inc and Another v Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad14.4.2 The Pharmaceutical Industry
(the ‘Cendor MOPU’) (2011)14.5 Limitation to Contra Rule
7.5.9 ACE European Group Ltd and Others v Chartis Insurance UK Ltd (2012)14.6 Interpreting Policy Terms – The Rise of Factual Matrix/Commercial Common Sense

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Published: March 2023

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international trade and cargo insurance, before outlining the various requirements for insurable interests reflecting the fundamental indemnity principle of marine insurance and the legal prohibition against gaming and wagering. It also explains marine open cover and details insuring clauses alongside the inherent vice and delay exclusions from specific clauses. To give the reader an understanding of insurance contracts, contract certainty in policies is explained before discussing the cargo claims and the cargo recovery process.

The second edition has been expanded to address the many changes in marine insurance law since the release of the first edition. These developments include the ‘Cendor MOPU’, newer editions of Institute Cargo and Trade Clauses, developing case laws, the Insurance Act 2015 and Incoterms 2020, to mention a few. New chapters in the book also include delay and inherent vice exclusions, war and strikes, rejection risks, contract certainty in policies, non-Institute Clauses and recoveries. The insurable interest and contingency chapters have also been revised as the expected reforms in this regard have not been undertaken.

This book will be of great use to practitioners as a complement to more academic texts. It is commended to any reader interested in marine cargo insurance and is a useful tool for law firms, underwriters, adjusters and surveyors.

Table of Contents

About the Author7.6 Insuring Inherent Vice
Foreword to the 1st Edition7.7 Summary
Foreword to the 2nd Edition7.8 Delay
Preface to the 2nd Edition7.9 Pre-MIA 1906 Cases
Abbreviations7.9.1 Taylor v Dunbar (1869)
Case Law List7.9.2 Pink and Others v Fleming (1890)
1. Introduction to International Trade and Cargo Insurance7.10 Post-1906 Cases
1.1 Cargo Families7.10.1 Becker Gray & Co v London Assurance Corporation (the ‘Kattenturm’) (1918)
1.2 Dangerous Goods7.10.2 Leyland Shipping Co Ltd v Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd (1918)
1.3 Ships and their Classification7.10.3 Yorkshire Dale Steamship Co Ltd v Minister of War Transport (the ‘Coxwold’) (1942)
1.4 Flag of Convenience (FOC)7.11 The Delay Exclusion in ICC 1982/2009
1.5 Classification7.12 Scenarios
1.6 Chartered Ships7.13 FCA Test Case
1.7 Protection and Indemnity Clubs8. Insuring Terms 3 – Named Perils
1.8 The ISM Code8.1 Institute Cargo Clauses (B) and (C)
1.9 The ISPS Code8.2 (B) and (C) Causation Rules
1.10 Ship Selection8.3 (B) and (C) Perils: Subject to Reasonably Attributable to
1.11 The Container Revolution8.3.1 Fire or Explosion
1.12 Mechanism of Containerisation8.3.2 Stranded, Grounded, Sunk or Capsized
1.13 Verified Gross Mass (VGM)8.3.3 Overturning and Derailment of Land Conveyance
1.14 Impact on Marine Insurance8.3.4 Collision or Contact
1.15 Financing of International Trade8.3.5 Discharge of Cargo at a Port of Distress
1.16 Cargo Insurance and International Trade8.3.6 Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption or Lightning
1.17 Responsibility to Arrange Cargo Insurance8.4 (B) and (C) Perils: Subject to Caused by
1.18 Insurance8.4.1 General Average Sacrifice
1.19 Impediments to Trade8.4.2 Jettison or Washing Overboard
1.20 What is Marine Cargo Insurance?8.4.3 Entry of Water
1.21 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract8.4.4 Total Loss of Package
1.22 The Marine Cargo Policy8.5 General Average
1.23 Principles Governing Marine Cargo Insurance8.6 Exclusions
1.24 Utmost Good Faith8.7 Institute Theft, Pilferage and/or Non-Delivery CL.272, 01.12.82
1.25 Duty of Disclosure, S.188.8 Theft, Pilferage and/or Non-delivery (TPND) and Piracy
1.26 Voidable Nature of Contract, S.18(1)9. Insuring Terms 4 – Trade Clauses
1.27 Pre-Contractual Duty, S.18(1)9.1 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 1
1.28 Continuing Duty (Post Contractual)9.2 Perils
1.29 Materiality and Inducement, S.18(2)9.3 Leakage from Connecting Pipelines
1.30 Exceptions to the Duty of Disclosure, S.18(3)9.4 Underground Pipelines
1.31 Disclosure by Agent Effecting Insurance, S.199.5 Negligence during Pumping
1.32 Representations Pending Negotiation of Contract9.6 Contamination from Stress of Weather
1.33 Criticisms of the Law of Good Faith9.7 Exclusions
1.34 The Insurance Act 20159.8 Duration
1.35 Duty of Fair Representation9.9 Movements by Craft and Barge Tankers
1.36 Impact of the Insurance Act 20159.10 Delivery of Whole Consignment or Each Portion Thereof?
1.37 Proportional Remedies9.11 Adjustment Clause
1.38 Preparation Needed Under the IA 2015 Regime9.11.1 Explanation
1.39 Fraud and the Duty of Good Faith9.12 Readjustment of Claim
1.40 Indemnity9.13 Contamination Claims – Need for All Risks Cover
1.41 Agreed Value – A Detailed Discussion9.14 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 2
1.42 Insurable Interest9.15 Institute Clauses for Bulk Oils – Part 3
1.43 Subrogation9.16 Exclusions
1.44 Contribution9.17 JCC Storage Extension Clauses for Bulk Oils
1.45 Common Liability Method9.18 Institute Coal Clauses: Clause No 393, 01.05.16
1.46 Independent Liability Method9.19 Heating and Spontaneous Combustion
1.47 Maximum Liability Method9.20 Duration
1.48 Warranties9.21 Craft Risks
1.49 Types of Warranties9.22 Barging Risks
1.50 Examples of Express Warranties in Cargo Insurance9.23 Institute Timber Trade Clause No 405, 01.05.16
1.51 The Literal Performance/Strict Compliance Rule under the MIA 19069.24 Piracy
1.52 The Position under the Insurance Act 20159.25 Exclusions
1.53 Burden of Proof9.26 Duration
1.54 Contracting Out10. Insuring Terms 5 – Cargoes Requiring a Controlled Environment
2. Insurable Interest 110.1 Types of Controlled Environment
2.1 Introduction10.2 Underwriting Considerations
2.2 Insurable Interest Defined10.3 Slow Steaming
2.3 Legal or Equitable Relationship10.4 Temperature Recording Devices
2.4 Prejudiced by Loss … Benefit by Safety10.4.1 Ryan Recorder (Analogue Temperature Recorder)
2.5 Supreme Court of Canada’s View on Macaura10.4.2 Data Loggers
2.6 Supreme Court of Canada’s View on Broadgrain Commodities10.4.3 TempTale® (and Other Digital Temperature Recorders)
2.7 Insurable Interests in Cargo10.4.4 Sensors/Probes
2.8 International Trade under Contracts of Sale10.4.5 Remote Sensing Systems
2.9 Risk v Title Dichotomy10.5 Institute/JCC Clauses for Frozen/Chilled Foods and Meat
2.10 Timing of Insurable Interest10.6 Changes in 2017 Edition
2.11 Lost or Not Lost10.7 Institute Clauses for Frozen Foods
2.12 Assignment of Policy and Interest10.8 Peril Clauses
2.13 Interplay of Various Sections of the MIA 190610.8.1 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (C), Clause No 431
2.14 Insurable Interest of a Buyer10.8.2 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (A), 24 Hours Breakdown, Clause No 423
2.15 Insurable Interest of the CIF Seller10.8.3 Institute Frozen/Chilled Food Clauses (A), Clause No 430
2.16 Concluding Remarks10.9 Exclusions
3. Insurable Interest 2 – Contingency Covers10.9.1 Inherent Vice
3.1 Seller’s Interest10.9.2 Loss of Market
3.2 Reasons for Rejection of Documents/Goods10.9.3 Refrigerated, Insulated and Cooled
3.3 Key Features of Seller’s Interest Cover10.9.4 Embargo, Rejection, etc
3.4 Additional Clauses in Seller’s Interest10.10 Duration Clause
3.5 Contingency Cover for CIF/CIP Seller10.11 Frozen Food Extension Clause, No 422
3.6 Buyer’s Interest10.12 Frozen/Chilled Meat Extension Clauses, No 429
3.6.1 Stage of Transit10.13 War and Strikes – Institute Strikes Clauses (Frozen/Chilled Food), No 424
3.6.2 CIF Purchases10.14 Frozen/Chilled Meat
3.6.3 Tail-end Risks10.15 Perils
3.6.4 Difference in Conditions (DIC)/Difference in Limits (DIL) Extensions10.16 Exclusions
3.7 Achieving Seamless Covers Irrespective of Terms of Sale10.17 Duration
3.8 Guarantee of Collectability10.18 The Adjustment Clause
4. Marine Open Cover10.19 War and Strikes – Institute Strikes Clauses (Frozen/Chilled Meat), No 428
4.1 What is an Open Cover?11. Insuring Terms 6 – Non-Institute Clauses
4.2 Advantages11.1 Introduction
4.3 Assured11.2 Accumulation
4.4 Period11.3 Airfreight Replacement (Expediting Expenses)
4.5 Cancellation Clause11.4 Apportionment of Recoveries
4.6 Interest Insured11.5 Arrest
4.7 Treatment of Packing Materials11.6 Art and Antiques (Depreciation)
4.8 Conveyances11.7 Assured
4.9 Use of Own Vehicles11.8 Bagged Cargo Clause
4.10 Voyage/Geographical Limits11.9 Brand, Label and Trademark Protection
4.11 Basis of Valuation11.9.1 Labels Clause
4.12 Limits of Liability11.9.2 Brands and Trademark Clause
4.13 Per Bottom Limit11.10 Control of Damaged Goods
4.14 Location Limit11.11 Claused Bill of Lading
4.15 Meaning of Location11.12 Commingling
4.16 Accumulation at Ports of Loading and Discharge11.13 Concealed Damage (Delayed Discovery of Loss)
4.17 Location Limit and Overseas Buyers11.14 Containers
4.18 Limits and Co-Assureds11.14.1 Container Fitness
4.19 Limits of Liability and Condition of Average11.14.2 Container Demurrage
4.20 Limit Per Location and Freight Forwarders11.14.3 Container Handover
4.21 Accumulation Clause11.14.4 Container Seals
4.22 Terms of Cover11.15 Contingency
4.23 Declaration (Bordereau)11.15.1 Incoterms® Rules Override Clause
4.24 Late Declaration or Omission to Declare11.15.2 Cover for Fob (or Similar Purchases)
4.25 Certificate of Insurance11.15.3 Seller’s Interest Cover
4.26 Hold Harmless Clause11.15.4 Buyer’s Interest Cover
4.27 Web-based Certificate Generation (E-Marine)11.16 Continuation Clause
4.28 Certificate Versus Open Cover Terms11.17 Country Damage
4.29 Nature of Open Cover Contract ‘for’ or Contract ‘of ’ Insurance11.18 Cutting Clause
4.30 Certificate Issued for Individual Export Voyage11.19 Debris Removal
4.31 Words of Incorporation in the Certificate11.20 Deck Cargo
4.32 Certificate Mentioning the Open Cover Number11.21 Deductible Clause
4.33 Certificate Mentioning ‘All Other Terms as Per Open Cover’11.22 Duty/Customs Duty and Taxes
4.34 Certificate Mentioning Entities ‘for Whom the Assured has Instruction to Insure’11.23 Exchange Rate (Currency Conversion)
4.35 Rights of an Unpaid Seller11.24 Export Subsidies and Similar
4.36 Conclusion11.25 Fraudulent Bill of Lading
4.37 Annual Sales Turnover Policies11.26 Full General Average
4.38 Annual Sales Turnover Policies – A Critique11.27 Fumigation
4.39 Cargo (Stock) Throughput Policies11.28 Governmental Damage
4.40 Advantages of Stock Throughput Policies11.28.1 Customs Clause
4.41 Illustrations of a Stock Throughput Policy11.28.2 Deliberate Damage – Pollution Hazard
4.42 Challenges in Administering Stock Throughput Covers11.29 Jurisdiction
4.43 Process Clause in Stock Throughput Covers11.30 Letter of Credit
4.44 Standard Exclusions in a Stock Throughput Policy11.31 Loading and Unloading
5. Insuring Terms 1 – Institute Classification Clause11.32 Location
5.1 Main Provisions11.33 Mechanical and Electrical Derangement (MEED)
5.2 Age Limitation11.33.1 Usage
5.3 Non-qualifying Vessels11.33.2 Meaning
5.4 Summary11.33.3 Damage Detection Devices – Shock and Tilt Monitors
5.5 Transhipping Vessels11.34 Packing
5.6 Craft11.35 Pair and Set
5.7 Classification Clause11.36 Pipeline Clause
5.8 SOLAS 197411.37 Peak Value/Automatic Increased Value
5.9 The International Safety Management (ISM) Code11.38 Process
5.9.1 ISM Code and Marine Insurance11.39 Reissue
5.10 ISM Forwarding Charges11.40 Returned Goods
5.10.1 Compliance with the ISM Code11.41 Salvage Loss
5.11 Summary and Concluding Remarks11.42 Shut-out Shipment
5.12 ISM and Classification11.43 Sight Draft Extension
5.13 The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code11.44 Sorting/Segregation
5.13.1 ISPS Endorsements11.45 Trade Loss
5.13.2 ISPS – Implications for Cargo Assureds11.46 Travel and Accommodation
6. Insuring Terms 2 – Institute Cargo Clauses (A), CL.382, 01.01.0911.47 Waiver of Subrogation
6.1 Background to Changes12. Insuring Terms 7 – War and Related Perils
6.2 General Changes12.1 Institute War Clauses (Cargo) CL.385, 01.01.09
6.3 Major Changes12.2 Perils
6.4 Perils Clause12.2.1 War
6.4.1 All Risks12.2.2 Civil War
6.4.2 General Average12.2.3 Revolution, Rebellion and Insurrection
6.4.3 Both to Blame Collision Claus12.2.4 Civil Strife
6.5 Exclusions12.2.5 Hostile Act by or against a Belligerent Power
6.5.1 Wilful Misconduct12.2.6 Capture
6.5.2 Ordinary Losses12.2.7 Seizure
6.5.3 Poor Packaging12.2.8 Arrest
6.5.4 Inherent Vice12.2.9 Restraint
6.5.5 Delay12.2.10 Detainment
6.5.6 Insolvency12.2.11 “… and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat”
6.5.7 Nuclear or Radioactive Devices12.2.12 Derelict Mines etc
6.5.8 Unseaworthiness12.3 Exclusions
6.5.9 Hostile Acts12.3.1 The Frustration Clause
6.5.10 Strikes12.3.2 Hostile Use of Weapons or Devices
6.6 Duration of Cover – 112.4 Waterborne Agreement
6.6.1 Background to Duration Clause, 2009 Edition12.4.1 Duration
6.7 The Duration Clause in ICC 200912.4.2 Reattachment Provision (‘Held Covered’)
6.7.1 Attachment12.4.3 Craft
6.7.2 Ordinary Course of Transit12.5 Institute Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion (SRCC) CL 386, 01.01.09
6.7.3 Termination12.5.1 Strike
6.8 Duration Clause Scenarios12.5.2 Locked-out Workmen
6.8.1 Attachment of Cover Scenarios12.5.3 Labour Disturbances
6.8.2 Continuation Scenario12.5.4 Riot
6.8.3 Termination Scenarios12.5.5 Civil Commotion
6.9 Other Markets12.6 Terrorism
6.10 Duration of Cover – 212.7 General Average (GA)
6.10.1 Additional Premium under Clause 912.8 Exclusions
6.10.2 Can the Insurer Deny Extension of Cover Upon Receiving Notice under Clause 9?12.8.1 Exclusion 3.7
6.11 Change of Voyage12.8.2 Exclusion 3.8
6.11.1 Clause 10.2 – the Phantom Ship12.8.3 Exclusion 3.10
6.12 Claims12.9 Cancellation Clause in Open Covers
6.13 Forwarding Charges12.10 Institute Malicious Damage Clause, CL.266, 01.08.82
6.13.1 Clause 12 – a ‘Supplementary Contract’?12.11 Institute Radioactive Contamination (RACE) Clause
6.14 Constructive Total Loss12.11.1 Extended Race Clause, No 356A/01.11.02
6.15 Increased Value12.11.2 Dirty Bombs
6.16 Benefit of Insurance12.11.3 Further Amendment Clause, No 370/10.11.03
6.17 Minimising Losses12.11.4 Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism) 2009, JC2009/056, 01.01.09
6.18 Waiver12.12 Cyber Attack
6.19 Avoidance of Delay13. Rejection Risks
6.20 Law and Practice13.1 Origin of Rejection Risks Covers
6.21 Note13.2 Concurrent Causation – Applicability to Exclusion 6.2/6.4
6.22 Premium to be Arranged – is there an Upper Limit?13.3 Need for Rejection Risks
7. Inherent Vice and Delay Exclusions13.4 Rejection Risks Insurance
7.1 Inherent Vice13.5 Analysis of London May 1975 Rejection Clause
7.2 Meaning of Inherent Vice13.6 Duration
7.3 Examples of Inherent Vice13.6.1 Attachment
7.4 Mechanism of Condensation13.6.2 Termination
7.5 Leading Case Law on Inherent Vice13.7 Rejection Covers in other Major Markets
7.5.1 E D Sassoon & Co Ltd v Yorkshire Insurance Co (1923)13.8 Underwriting Factors
7.5.2 C T Bowring & Co Ltd v Amsterdam London Insurance Co Ltd (1930)13.9 Warranties
7.5.3 Soya GmbH Mainz Kommanditgesellschaft v White (1983)14. Contract Certainty in Policies
7.5.4 Noten BV v Harding (1990)14.1 Introduction
7.5.5 Mayban General Insurance BHD v Alstom Power Plants Ltd (2004)14.2 Ambiguities
7.5.6 Nelson Marketing International Inc v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Co of14.3 Contra Proferentem Rule
Canada (2005)14.4 Ambiguities and Gaps in Coverage – Why they Arise
7.5.7 Feuiltault Solution Systems Inc v Zurich Canada (2021)14.4.1 The Mining Industry
7.5.8 Global PROCESS Systems Inc and Another v Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad14.4.2 The Pharmaceutical Industry
(the ‘Cendor MOPU’) (2011)14.5 Limitation to Contra Rule
7.5.9 ACE European Group Ltd and Others v Chartis Insurance UK Ltd (2012)14.6 Interpreting Policy Terms – The Rise of Factual Matrix/Commercial Common Sense
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