Products tagged with 'management'
Shipping Operations Management
It explores issues of organization, technical management, crewing and behavioral issues, chartering and post fixture, risk management, finance, legal aspects of international conventions and regulations, attainment of safety, security and marine insurance, as well as ocean governance and sustainability. As such, the book offers a vital reference guide for maritime companies and organizations, while also serving as a teaching supplement in academic and professional maritime programmes.
Shipping Business Unwrapped: Illusion, Bias and Fallacy in the Shipping Business
This book provides a snapshot of the shipping business with micro-foundations from the perspectives of institutional and behavioural economics while uncovering hidden facts about the industry.
Leadership Throughout
This practical guide looks at leadership in modern multicultural organisations with direct relevance to seafaring.
Seaman's Guide to Human Factors, Leadership, and Personnel Management
This book, written with seamen in mind, covers areas of expertise that every officer should know to improve motivation, engagement, teamwork, and conflict handling; in short, to be a leader.
Maritime Logistics Value in Knowledge Management
By Eon-Seong Lee, Dong-Wook Song
Management of Shipping Companies
Perfect for learning about maritime businesses’ organisation and management, including human resources, safety, outsourcing and more.