Marine Engineering
Books that support Marine Engineering studies
Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
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Reeds Vol 6: Basic Electrotechnology, 5th edition
This new edition has been thoroughly updated in line with guidelines, best practice and the many technological developments that have taken place over the past 5 years since the previous edition published, as well as improvements and updates to the technical diagrams.
Mathematics - Mechanics and Probability
£26.40 £33.00
This book is about mechanics and the solving of mechanical problems with the help of pure mathematics.
Understanding Engineering Mathematics
By Bill Cox
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, 2nd Edition
£95.88 £119.85
Sale 20% OFF. This book introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and applies them to a wide range of technologies.
Practical Ship Hydrodynamics, 2nd edition 2012
Combines otherwise disparate information on the factors affecting ship hydrodynamics into one practical, go-to resource for successful design, development and construction.
Fundamentals of Ship Hydrodynamics: Fluid Mechanics, Ship Resistance and Propulsion
Bridging the information gap between fluid mechanics and ship hydrodynamics
Practical Marine Electrical Knowledge, 4th edition
This book's objective is to help marine and electrical engineers acquire the knowledge required by STCW for management and operational level endorsements and to become more familiar with various electrical applications that can be found on board ship.
Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems, 2019 revised edition
Revised edition 2019. The book is primarily intended for students at technical universities on a Bachelors course. The more advanced chapters can be used at Masters Level.
Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller
£15.00 £30.00
Part II: Digital and Analog Hardware Interfacing published 2009
Practical Ship Handling, 4th Edition
4th edition published October 2019 is for trainee pilots and ships' officers who aspire to be pilots.
Marine Electrical Equipment and Practice - Second Edition
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