Products tagged with 'mca'

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Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015 edition, amendment 7, October 2022

The amendment consists of loose-leaf pages that replace select pages from the main edition binder.

MCA Ballast Water Record Book - 2017

The Ballast Water Record Book is to be used on board all vessels to record intake and discharge of ballast water.

MNTB Course Criteria for Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training - 3rd Edition

This publication has been written for personnel who design and deliver training programmes. It covers the requirements for Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training (NAEST) Operational and Management certification, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) training, and Small Ships Navigation and Radar training, set out in Chapter II of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, and corresponding sections of the STCW Code.

MCA Marine Fuel Sulphur Record Book

Essential for all vessels who wish to enter an Emission Control Area, at berth in a United Kingdom port, a UK passenger ship operating in UK waters, controlled waters, and any other passenger ship which calls at a port in the UK.

Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015 Edition - Amendment 6, October 2021

The amendment consists of loose-leaf pages that replace select pages from the main edition binder.

The workboat code: the safety of small workboats and pilot boats a code of practice, Edition 2

The content in this printed edition matches the August 2019 amended version available on