MS SeaReader

MS SeaReader is a digital technical catalogue for use on board vessels or in the office. It stores all of the publications that are needed on board and displays them in a digital format that is fast and easy to use.

eBooks are available to purchase individually or in bulk and once installed, the SeaReader is easy to use. 
The digital library is easy to access and update and you don’t need to be online to access the publications. SeaReader makes compliance inspections easy by having the latest mandatory publications on board at all times.
The shipping costs and administration associated with maintaining a paper library are removed - there are no physical books to ship and the entire library is updated with the click of a button.

SeaReader contains Flag State Regulations from Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Denmark, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Liberia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA and Red Ensign Group. Included e-books from IMO, Brown, Son & Ferguson, Imray, and a growing list of other maritime publishers.

SeaReader keeps the administrative work on board to a minimum as the latest set of publications are always available.
The easy to use system makes it quick and easy to see what books are on board the vessel. One annual licence provides access to paid for ebooks on two separate PCs.

SeaReader is simple, very easy and intuitive to use. With one-click updating and filtered search results, it is quick and easy to find the information you need. There is no need for additional work to make sure your vessel is flag state compliant, as SeaReader does this for you.

Key features

Full digital technical libraryIMO and flag state approved
Quick and easy to use and updateEasily access certificates for inspections
Removes shipping costs of paper libraryNo unlocking
Compliance made easyReduces administration on board
New books added regularlyOnline and offline updating
Filtered searchingWindows-only, Macs are not supported

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Garbage Management Plans

Guidance for the Preparation and Implementation of Garbage Management Plans as required by MARPOL Annex V, 2nd edition

ET318E e-book: Safe Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU), 2001 Edition

£31.50 £35.00

From Paper Charts to ECDIS - 2nd edition

Provides useful guidance on the transition from paper to electronic charts.

Marine Warranty Surveying - An Introduction

The book is intended for those considering entering the marine warranty surveying discipline of marine surveying. It introduces prospective marine warranty surveyor (MWS) to the wide variety of work available.

Guidelines for Collecting Maritime Evidence Volume 2

This second volume in the Collecting Maritime Evidence series focuses on electronic evidence – what it is, how to preserve and collect it, and how it can be used to understand the circumstances that led to a maritime incident.

The Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol 1: Principles of Navigation

The 2019 edition of the Principles of Navigation

Handling Ships in First-Year Ice - 2nd Edition

Second Edition by Captain Johan Buysse. A practical guide to handling 1A and 1AS classed ships.

Reeds Vol 7: Advanced Electrotechnology for Marine Engineers

This book is a companion to Reeds Vol. 6: Basic Electrotechnology for Marine Engineers and covers aspects of theory beyond the scope of Volume 6.

ET318CE e-book: CTUs Workbook, 2001 Edition

£27.00 £30.00

ET133E e-book: Safety of Fishing Operations (Support Level), 2005 Edition

£22.50 £25.00

Practical Navigation for Officers of the Watch (OOW)

The main subject matter covered relates to the use of charts and other Admiralty navigational publications, chart constructions, visual and radar terrestrial navigation, including the use of celestial bodies for the calculation of compass errors and position fixing.

The Admiralty Manual of Navigation, Vol. 2 Astro Navigation

This 2018 edition has been brought fully up to date.

MS SeaReader

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