MS SeaReader

MS SeaReader is a digital technical catalogue for use on board vessels or in the office. It stores all of the publications that are needed on board and displays them in a digital format that is fast and easy to use.

eBooks are available to purchase individually or in bulk and once installed, the SeaReader is easy to use. 
The digital library is easy to access and update and you don’t need to be online to access the publications. SeaReader makes compliance inspections easy by having the latest mandatory publications on board at all times.
The shipping costs and administration associated with maintaining a paper library are removed - there are no physical books to ship and the entire library is updated with the click of a button.

SeaReader contains Flag State Regulations from Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Denmark, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Liberia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA and Red Ensign Group. Included e-books from IMO, Brown, Son & Ferguson, Imray, and a growing list of other maritime publishers.

SeaReader keeps the administrative work on board to a minimum as the latest set of publications are always available.
The easy to use system makes it quick and easy to see what books are on board the vessel. One annual licence provides access to paid for ebooks on two separate PCs.

SeaReader is simple, very easy and intuitive to use. With one-click updating and filtered search results, it is quick and easy to find the information you need. There is no need for additional work to make sure your vessel is flag state compliant, as SeaReader does this for you.

Key features

Full digital technical libraryIMO and flag state approved
Quick and easy to use and updateEasily access certificates for inspections
Removes shipping costs of paper libraryNo unlocking
Compliance made easyReduces administration on board
New books added regularlyOnline and offline updating
Filtered searchingWindows-only, Macs are not supported

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ICS Ship Recycling Guide

Ship recycling is a crucial aspect of the shipping industry, and it is important that shipowners and crew understand the process thoroughly. Not only is it a legal obligation to dispose of a ship responsibly, but it also plays a significant role in the protection of the environment and the safety of workers involved in the process.

The Admiralty Manual of Seamanship 13th Edition, 2023

This comprehensive work sets out sound seamanship principles and practices developed over many years by the UK's Royal Navy.

Hansen's Ex-Meridian Tables

“A seaman always knows his latitude” is an ancient proverb which emphasises the importance attached to knowledge of the ship's latitude. Hansen’s Ex-Meridian Tables, first published in 1919, have for over a century proven to be essential for mariners to calculate their position on Earth.

Brown's Tidal Streams, 19th Edition

This new expanded edition has been completely revised using the most up to date information available, from the Hydrographic Dept.

KB680E e-reader: Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS Convention), 2023 Edition

£23.40 £26.00

Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 4th Edition

The ILO MLC is a truly ground-breaking instrument. The shipping industry is unique in being the only industrial sector to have such a comprehensive global regime in place, setting out mandatory standards for the employment of the world’s two million merchant seafarers, which are now strictly enforced by governments worldwide through a sophisticated system of flag state inspections and port state control.

Mooring and Anchoring Ships Vol 1: Principles and Practice

This well researched book sets out explain the principles involved when ships use lines and anchors to hold them in place.

International Medical Guide for Seafarers and Fishers

Carriage of a medical guide on board is mandatory under the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention (ILO MLC) and the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Convention. The fishing industry requires proper medical care to be provided on board under the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, and medical training for those providing first aid care under the IMO STW-F 1995 Convention.

KF951E e-reader: NAVTEX Manual, 2023 Edition

£23.40 £26.00

E490M e-book: Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunkers Convention), 2004 Edition

£15.30 £17.00

Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention, 4th Edition

The fourth edition of Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention sets out the obligations for shipping companies and includes guidance on how to ensure compliance on board.

Autonomous Ships and the Law

IMLI Studies in International Maritime Law

MS SeaReader

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