Products tagged with 'tanker'
The Development of Crude Oil Tankers
In this engaging book, Dr. Solly examines the history of crude oil tankers from early days when this vital commodity was carried aboard ordinary sailing vessels, through the innovative designs that resulted in significant breakthroughs leading to early single-hulled VLCCs, and the later stronger hence safer double-hulled vessel.
SIGTTO Guidelines for the Alleviation of Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD for Liquefied Gas Transfer Systems
This publication explains the concept of surge pressure and provides practical advice on its associated hazards and risk management. It outlines the principal design and operational recommendations for cargo transfer systems and will benefit managers, designers and operators of liquefied gas carriers.
SIGTTO LPG Shipping Suggested Competency Standards - 2nd Edition
This document is written for organisations involved in training officers, including cargo engineers, for LPG cargo operations. This document is written at a high level and is suitable for individuals that are technically qualified and experienced in the subject of training and LPG operations.
SIGTTO LNG Shipping Suggested Competency Standards, 3rd Edition
This document is written at a level suitable for organisations involved in training officers for LNG cargo operations. The high-level nature of the content is directed at a reader who is technically qualified and experienced in the subject of training and LNG operations.
Chemical Tankers: A Pocket Safety Guide, 3rd Edition, 2022
This book explores best practices on tankers carrying chemical and similar hazardous products, and provides a good introduction to safe tanker practice, terminology and standards. This guide is aimed as basic safety information for seafarers of all ranks and positions.
LPG Operational Practice
This publication is designed to give ships’ officers, tanker terminal personnel and terminal management an understanding of the principles involved in the safe loading, transportation and discharging of liquefied petroleum gases and chemical gases. The notes include both theoretical and practical aspects of ship operations, covering in-service, pre-arrival and post-transfer phases.