Products tagged with 'tanker'
Tanker Chartering, 2021
Tanker markets are driven by a number of economic factors, which along with technical, operational and regulatory aspects pose specific challenges to shipowners. This book is aimed at trainee brokers and all those with an interest in the market, where a qualified and experienced broker can have a major influence on a company’s fortunes.
SIGTTO Information Papers - Consolidated Edition 2022
This publication contains all the SIGTTO Information Papers that are in force for 2022, for the guidance of industry members.
Tanker Jetty Safety
Tanker Jetty Safety - Management of the Ship/Shore Interface, 2nd Edition
Tanker Safety Training - Liquefied Gas - 2nd Edition
This publication provides ships’ officers, tanker terminal personnel and selected management staff ashore an understanding of the principles involved in the safe loading, transportation and discharging of liquefied gases. The revised edition includes both theoretical and practical aspects of ship operations, with the objectives of ensuring efficient tanker operations and the safety and health of personnel throughout all stages of the voyage and while alongside in the terminal.
Oil Tankers - A Pocket Safety Guide - 2022 Edition
This publication explores best practices on tankers carrying crude oil and petroleum products and provides a good introduction to safe tanker operations and standards. Suitable for seafarers who may be rejoining a tanker after leave, or for a person with little or no experience on tankers, this title contains basic safety information for seafarers of all ranks and positions.
OCIMF - Recommendations for Oil and Chemical Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment - First Edition 2017
This publication provides guidance relating to oil, chemical and dual classed oil/chemical tanker manifolds with the aim of improving compatibility with shore facilities. It will benefit personnel who work with oil and chemical tanker manifolds and associated equipment or who are engaged in designing, constructing or repairing ships.