Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and in Terminals, (LGHP4) 4th Edition
This fully illustrated 500-page reference book covers every aspect of the safe handling of bulk liquid gases (LNG, LPG and chemical gases) on board ships and at the ship/shore interface at terminals. It is indispensable for personnel training for operational qualifications as well as those already engaged in liquefied gas operations.
Bulk Carriers: Handle with Care, 2nd Edition
Bulk carriers must be handled with care in port as well as at sea. Stevedores and ships' officers responsible for cargo operations become key partners for ship safety, because the lives of seafarers may ultimately depend on careful cargo handling. Ship-to-shore planning, information and communication become vital.
LNG Shipping Knowledge, 3rd Edition
This publication details the underpinning knowledge required for ship’s officers serving on LNG carriers, as set out in SIGTTO’s ‘LNG Shipping Competency Standards’.
Manual of Oil Tanker Operations
First edition 2011, Dr. Raymond Solly, in co-operation with Captain Quentin Cox and John Onslow.
Tanker Management and Self Assessment 3: A Guide to Best Practice (TMSA3)
OCIMF’s guide, 3rd edition (2017) is an essential tool for tanker vessel operators in achieving high standards of ship management and safety. A useful complement to IMO Conventions and Codes, this third edition has been updated to reflect current legislation and emerging issues, and incorporates feedback from companies and users of previous editions of TMSA, as well as providing guidance on OCIMF’s view of industry best practice.
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases. The Guide is aimed at providing advice for Masters, Marine Superintendents and others, such as STS service providers and transfer organisers, who may be involved in the planning and execution of STS operations.