Products tagged with 'tramp shipping'

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Maritime Cargo Operations

Maritime Cargo Operations presents the core concepts of cargo work for marine engineering students and cadets.

Break Bulk and Cargo Management

This book covers the subjects of break bulk cargo, general cargo and project cargo, and how these cargoes are shipped. It deals with the cargoes themselves, the vessels used for their carriage, and how the carriage is managed using the process of vessel chartering. Alongside these, it also covers offshore vessel management and how offshore supply vessels are used to carry cargoes to offshore oil and gas installations.

Introduction to Marine Cargo Management, 2nd Edition

This unique text provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the principal elements involved in the management of marine cargo and the carriage of goods by sea. Not only does it analyse key theories and debates in the maritime freight sector, it is equally instructive on practice and logistics. Furthermore, the book provides a thorough guide to the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in this dynamic industry.