Products tagged with 'transportation'
New Maritime Business: Uncertainty, Sustainability, Technology and Big Data
Reflects the current pandemic case and emerging technological developments into the context of shipping and port management and operations.
Advances in Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Print on Demand - 2-4 weeks delivery time.
The World of the Seafarer
Qualitative Accounts of Working in the Global Shipping Industry. It is an open-access book that you can download as a PDF or purchase a hard copy.
Maritime Supply Chains
Print on demand, takes 7-10 days to be shipped.
Shipping Operations Management
It explores issues of organization, technical management, crewing and behavioral issues, chartering and post fixture, risk management, finance, legal aspects of international conventions and regulations, attainment of safety, security and marine insurance, as well as ocean governance and sustainability. As such, the book offers a vital reference guide for maritime companies and organizations, while also serving as a teaching supplement in academic and professional maritime programmes.
The Bill of Lading: Holder Rights and Liabilities
Analysing the different theories that have been proposed to explain the position of the third party holder, this book makes a distinction between contractual theories and non-contractual theories to explain the holder's position.