Manufacturer: Witherbys

INTERTANKO - A Guide for Correct Entries in the ORB Part II - Cargo/Ballast Operations 2nd Edition

This publication provides guidance on proper and consistent completion of the Oil Record Book (Part II – Cargo/Ballast Operations) for oil tankers, as stipulated by Regulation 36 and Appendix III of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. It sets out instructions and general requirements for making entries in the ORB Part II and lists the items that must be recorded. It also contains example entries for commonly used cargo/ballast operations.
Manufacturer part number: IT103758
ISBN: IT103757

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Published: April 2021

This guide complements the INTERTANKO publication A Guide for Correct Entries in the Oil Record Book (Part I – Machinery space operations).

It provides simple and clear advice and guidance for making entries in the ORB Part II with the aim of:

  • Ensuring compliance with the relevant MARPOL Annex I requirements
  • Facilitating and simplifying the onboard work of the responsible officers and the Master
  • Ensuring uniform and consistent ORB Part II recordkeeping that is aligned with and compatible with other shipboard logbooks and records.

It is structured in a user-friendly manner and can also be used both as an onboard guide and as a training tool for seafarers and shore-based personnel, including ship operators, surveyors and inspectors. It has also been designed to facilitate integration in the document management system of any individual Member of INTERTANKO.

Table of Contents

1. Prologue

2. Introduction

2.1 Scope of the Guide

2.2 Objective of the Guide

2.3 Content of the guide

2.4 Additional items included in the second edition of the Guide

3. General Requirements and Instructions

4. Items to be Recorded

A. Loading of oil cargo

B. Internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage

C. Unloading of oil cargo

D. Crude oil washing (COW tankers only)

E. Ballasting of cargo tanks

F. Ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only)

G. Cleaning of cargo tanks

H. Discharge of dirty ballast

I. Discharge of water from slop tanks into the sea

J. Collection, transfer and disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with

K. Discharge of clean ballast contained in cargo tank(s)

L. Discharge of ballast from dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only)

M. Condition of oil discharge monitoring and control system

N. Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

Additional operational procedures and general remarks – Tankers engaged in specific trades

O. Loading of ballast water

P. Re-allocation of ballast water within the ship

Q. Ballast water discharge to reception facility

5. Examples for Cargo/Ballast Operations

Example 1: Loading of oil cargo – one loading port

Example 2: Loading of oil cargo – multiple loading ports

Example 3: Unloading of oil cargo – one discharge port

Example 4a, 4b: Unloading of oil cargo – multiple discharge ports

Example 5: Internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage

Example 6: Crude oil washing

Example 7: Ballasting of cargo tanks

Example 8: Discharge of dirty ballast into the sea

Example 9: Cleaning of cargo tanks (transfer of tank washings to slop tanks)

Example 10a: Cleaning of cargo tanks (continuous water wash prior to dry-docking)

Example 10b: Cleaning of cargo tanks (sequential water wash prior to dry-docking)

Example 11: Discharge of water from slop tank(s) into the sea

Example 12: Discharge of clean ballast contained in cargo tank(s)

Example 13: Disposal of slops to port reception facilities

Example 14: Transfer (disposal) of sludge from engine room oil residue (sludge) tank(s) to slop tank(s)

Example 15: Transfer (disposal) of bilge water from engine room oily bilge water holding tank(s) to slop tank(s)

Example 16: Transfer from slop tank to slop tank

Example 17a: ODME failure

Example 17b: Rectification of ODME failure

Example 18a: Missed operational entry

Example 18b: Incorrect entries

Example 19: Pre-discharge pressure/leakage test of the COW piping system

Example 20: Entry cannot be entirely written in one page

6. Questions, Answers and Clarifications

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Published: April 2021

This guide complements the INTERTANKO publication A Guide for Correct Entries in the Oil Record Book (Part I – Machinery space operations).

It provides simple and clear advice and guidance for making entries in the ORB Part II with the aim of:

  • Ensuring compliance with the relevant MARPOL Annex I requirements
  • Facilitating and simplifying the onboard work of the responsible officers and the Master
  • Ensuring uniform and consistent ORB Part II recordkeeping that is aligned with and compatible with other shipboard logbooks and records.

It is structured in a user-friendly manner and can also be used both as an onboard guide and as a training tool for seafarers and shore-based personnel, including ship operators, surveyors and inspectors. It has also been designed to facilitate integration in the document management system of any individual Member of INTERTANKO.

Table of Contents

1. Prologue

2. Introduction

2.1 Scope of the Guide

2.2 Objective of the Guide

2.3 Content of the guide

2.4 Additional items included in the second edition of the Guide

3. General Requirements and Instructions

4. Items to be Recorded

A. Loading of oil cargo

B. Internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage

C. Unloading of oil cargo

D. Crude oil washing (COW tankers only)

E. Ballasting of cargo tanks

F. Ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only)

G. Cleaning of cargo tanks

H. Discharge of dirty ballast

I. Discharge of water from slop tanks into the sea

J. Collection, transfer and disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with

K. Discharge of clean ballast contained in cargo tank(s)

L. Discharge of ballast from dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only)

M. Condition of oil discharge monitoring and control system

N. Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

Additional operational procedures and general remarks – Tankers engaged in specific trades

O. Loading of ballast water

P. Re-allocation of ballast water within the ship

Q. Ballast water discharge to reception facility

5. Examples for Cargo/Ballast Operations

Example 1: Loading of oil cargo – one loading port

Example 2: Loading of oil cargo – multiple loading ports

Example 3: Unloading of oil cargo – one discharge port

Example 4a, 4b: Unloading of oil cargo – multiple discharge ports

Example 5: Internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage

Example 6: Crude oil washing

Example 7: Ballasting of cargo tanks

Example 8: Discharge of dirty ballast into the sea

Example 9: Cleaning of cargo tanks (transfer of tank washings to slop tanks)

Example 10a: Cleaning of cargo tanks (continuous water wash prior to dry-docking)

Example 10b: Cleaning of cargo tanks (sequential water wash prior to dry-docking)

Example 11: Discharge of water from slop tank(s) into the sea

Example 12: Discharge of clean ballast contained in cargo tank(s)

Example 13: Disposal of slops to port reception facilities

Example 14: Transfer (disposal) of sludge from engine room oil residue (sludge) tank(s) to slop tank(s)

Example 15: Transfer (disposal) of bilge water from engine room oily bilge water holding tank(s) to slop tank(s)

Example 16: Transfer from slop tank to slop tank

Example 17a: ODME failure

Example 17b: Rectification of ODME failure

Example 18a: Missed operational entry

Example 18b: Incorrect entries

Example 19: Pre-discharge pressure/leakage test of the COW piping system

Example 20: Entry cannot be entirely written in one page

6. Questions, Answers and Clarifications

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