Law, Insurance & Economics

A collection of books regarding the various laws, insurance details and economics you might face as a seafarer.

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Marine Insurance Law, 3rd Edition

Marine Insurance Law, 3rd Edition, introduces and clearly explains all topics covered in undergraduate and postgraduate-level courses, offering students and those new to the area a comprehensive and accessible overview of this important topic in maritime law.

BIMCO - Ship Management Contracts

This publication compiles BIMCO’s ship management related contracts and explanatory notes into a handy and useful reference book. The latest edition of each contract is included.

Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes Consolidated to March 2022

Consolidated to March 2022 edition incorporates the three series of Merchant Shipping Notices (MSNs), Marine Guidance Notes (MGNs) and Marine Information Notes (MINs).

Insuring Cargoes - A Practical Guide to the Law and Practice 2023, 2nd Edition

This is a comprehensive guide to underwriting and claims practices for insurance practitioners. It covers topics such as marine insurance and international trade, the basic principles of marine cargo insurance, cargo loss prevention, policy construction and insurable interest.

Maritime Operations Law in Practice

Key Cases and Incidents

Freight Derivatives and Risk Management in Shipping

This advanced practical textbook deals with the issue of risk analysis, measurement and management in the shipping industry. It identifies and analyses the sources of risk in the shipping business and explores in detail the “traditional” and “modern” strategies for risk management at both the investment and operational levels of the business.

Law, Insurance & Economics

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