Products tagged with 'mca'
Behaving Safely: A practical guide for risky work
This pocket guide is full of insights and practical guidance about what makes you safe and what you can do to make things safer as you go about your everyday tasks.
Wellbeing at sea: A pocket guide for seafarers
This practical guide will offer guidance for seafarers on fitness and diet, general health, personal and social wellbeing, mental health issues, and relationships and communication. With an extensive appendix there is practical guidance to help seafarers with everyday life.
Wellbeing at sea: A guide for organisations
These publications will fill an important gap in the current portfolio. The aim of the title is to provide practical guidance for optimal care of seafarers, ultimately improving seafarer wellbeing and, in turn, business efficiency onboard vessels.
MNTB Passenger Ship Courses Criteria, 3rd Edition
This publication provides criteria for the development of training courses for personnel working on passenger vessels, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training.
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes Consolidated to March 2022
Consolidated to March 2022 edition incorporates the three series of Merchant Shipping Notices (MSNs), Marine Guidance Notes (MGNs) and Marine Information Notes (MINs).
MNTB Human Element Leadership and Management, 3rd Edition
This publication provides criteria for the development of courses to deliver training in human element leadership and management, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training.