Paperback Library (100 books)

Marine Society’s Paperback Library provides non-returnable paperbacks which will ensure that seafarers have access to quality fiction and popular non-fiction books. Price is for a collection of 100 books.

For over 100 years we have been supplying ships with crew libraries – providing a welcome refuge from the pressures of shipboard life.

Non-returnable paperbacks which will ensure that seafarers have access to quality fiction and popular non-fiction books.

We know that as well as a popular leisure activity, research has acknowledged the role reading plays in crew welfare. From social engagement to aiding relaxation or language skills – improving emotional well-being is vital for onboard safety. A library still remains a cost-effective way to contribute to crew wellbeing and is recommended within the Maritime Labour Convention.

  • We offer a selection of fiction and non-fiction.
  • We provide brand new paperback books on a sale and non-returnable basis.
  • You decide the quantity and how often you'd like them refreshed.
  • We look after the procurement, packing and carriage to ship.
  • We'll invoice the ship operator direct for a contribution to our costs.
  • Sea staff don't need to worry about returning books or accounting for them once they're aboard.

To find out more about onboard libraries, please call us on: 020 7654 7012 or email: [email protected].

For over 100 years we have been supplying ships with crew libraries – providing a welcome refuge from the pressures of shipboard life.

Non-returnable paperbacks which will ensure that seafarers have access to quality fiction and popular non-fiction books.

We know that as well as a popular leisure activity, research has acknowledged the role reading plays in crew welfare. From social engagement to aiding relaxation or language skills – improving emotional well-being is vital for onboard safety. A library still remains a cost-effective way to contribute to crew wellbeing and is recommended within the Maritime Labour Convention.

  • We offer a selection of fiction and non-fiction.
  • We provide brand new paperback books on a sale and non-returnable basis.
  • You decide the quantity and how often you'd like them refreshed.
  • We look after the procurement, packing and carriage to ship.
  • We'll invoice the ship operator direct for a contribution to our costs.
  • Sea staff don't need to worry about returning books or accounting for them once they're aboard.

To find out more about onboard libraries, please call us on: 020 7654 7012 or email: [email protected].

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