Manufacturer: Witherbys

Survival Craft: A Seafarer's Guide

This title is now available as a free download on OCIMF's website at:
ISBN: 9781905331352

A guide by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

Published: December 2008

This guide provides practical information to assist seafarers with the safe operation and maintenance of survival craft. Although the main focus of the guidance is directed at personnel onboard, it will also be of interest to shore managers and company superintendants having general responsibilities for shipboard safety.

A guide by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

Published: December 2008

This guide provides practical information to assist seafarers with the safe operation and maintenance of survival craft. Although the main focus of the guidance is directed at personnel onboard, it will also be of interest to shore managers and company superintendants having general responsibilities for shipboard safety.

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