Products tagged with 'deck cadet'

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Enhanced Deck Cadets Book Bundle

Pack of seven books: Seamanship Notes, 2nd Edition: Ship Stability OOW; Seaman's Guide Pocket Book, An Introduction to Coastal Navigation, A Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road; Orals Prep Series 1 - Statutory Certificates, Documents and Surveys; Orals Prep Series 2 - International Safety and Risk Management.

Essential Deck Cadets Book Bundle

At the moment not available to purchase as A Seaman's Guide Pocket Book COLREGS will have a new edition which should be released in March/April 2025. Please note that the price will be changed in March/April 2025. Pack of four books: Seamanship Notes, 2nd Edition; Ship Stability OOW; MacNeil's Seamanship Examiner COLREGs Pocket Book, 2nd Edition; A Seaman's Guide Pocket Book.

MNTB Fire Courses Criteria, 2nd Edition

This publication provides criteria for the development of courses to deliver training in fire prevention and firefighting (FP&FF) and advanced firefighting (AFF), alongside the updated training requirements for both FP&FF and AFF. It includes the tanker firefighting requirements, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training

MNTB Passenger Ship Courses Criteria, 3rd Edition

This publication provides criteria for the development of training courses for personnel working on passenger vessels, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training.

MNTB Human Element Leadership and Management, 3rd Edition

This publication provides criteria for the development of courses to deliver training in human element leadership and management, in accordance with international regulations for seafarer training.

MNTB Course Criteria for Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training - 3rd Edition

This publication has been written for personnel who design and deliver training programmes. It covers the requirements for Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training (NAEST) Operational and Management certification, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) training, and Small Ships Navigation and Radar training, set out in Chapter II of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, and corresponding sections of the STCW Code.